• This contemporary workshop class is for ages 8-12 and 13+ who have some dance or movement experience. It will be an intermediate level class. 

    The workshop will draw on techniques from modern, ballet and jazz to explore a free and expressive style of movement . We will focus on a blend of techniques for the first half of class, and phrase work for the second half. With phrase work we practice putting all of our skills together and see what it feels like to move confidently with expression and musicality. Most of all we will have fun! 

    If you have any questions about the level of the workshop and if it's right for your child, please reach out! 

    Space is limited.

    Only payment reserves your spot. Signing up does not.

    $30 per class person

    *we must have a minimum of 3 people sign up to hold this workshop.*

    Ages 8-12 10-11:15am

    Ages 13+ 11:30-1pm